Louisville On My Mind

Louisville, Kentucky

Louisville, KY

A summer of love, friendships, and learning opportunities in the city that stole my heart.

Oh, Louisville. What have you done to my heart? I arrive to your city with just a couple of suitcases to get me through the summer, and now I find myself perplexed as to why I ever had to leave. Who would have thought two and half months would change my life forever?

But you, Louisville….you did.

Every morning since my return to Carolina, I wake up wishing I could walk along your river’s edge. My mind always floats back to the memories of strolling along your pedestrian bridge, or walking along Main Street and soaking up the glory and culture of your city and its love. I long for the friendships and people that I met within the walls of your fortress. You created a safe haven for me to discover the old me that has been buried deep inside for far too long. Your welcoming skyline is in my dreams each night. And on my worst days, I go back to those unforgettable moments driving through your countryside; the place I wish to someday call home. And when I just can’t take the pain of missing you any longer, I smile… because in that moment, your smell, your noise, your looks, your touch, and your taste all come rushing back to me. They wash over me and flood my heart with nothing but love, appreciation, and comfort for all that your city has instilled in my heart.

You’re on my mind and in my heart sweet Louisville. I just sure hope I’m on yours.