Where are you Christmas? Why can’t I find you?

Well, we are officially six days from celebrating Christmas in July! In case you were wondering. 

Here are my thoughts:

1) I don’t know who came up with the bright idea to celebrate the mid-point til Christmas, but it’s really the most frustrating tease. For those that don’t know, Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday and I really don’t appreciate that people in this lovely society like to dangle it like bait in my Christmas loving fish face!

2) Celebrating Christmas in July serves as an unfortunate reminder that your summer is practically over. Therefore, enjoy your last sweet summer week in July because August is going to come crashing in on you before you know it. (For those in education, you know what I mean about August.)

3) The other obnoxious thing about Christmas in July is that I am now thinking about the LONG and GRUESOME six months until Christmas actually gets here…. (five long months until it’s socially acceptable to start listening to Christmas music.)

4) Don’t mind me and my cynicism. I will just sit here and pout as we approach the mid-point til the best day of the entire year.